Sehenswürdigkeiten in Washington, D.C.

Museen, Kirchen, Theater und viele weitere Sehenswürdigkeiten in Washington, D.C., USA.


Washington, D.C., Bundesdistrikt Columbia, USA

Leichter Regen
Luft- und Raumfahrtmuseum (Air and Space Museum)
Independence Ave SW
DC 20024 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 6331000
Washington, D.C.: Museen
Nationalmuseum für Verbrechen & Bestrafung
575 7th Street Northwest
DC 20004 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 6215567
Washington, D.C.: Museen
Corcoran Kunstgalerie
500 17th Street Northwest
DC 20006 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 6391700
Washington, D.C.: Museen
Nationalmuseum für Amerikanische Geschichte
1400 Constitution Ave NW
DC 20560 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 6331000
Washington, D.C.: Museen
Internationales Spion Museum (International Spy Museum)
800 F Street Northwest
DC 20004 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)2026540950
Washington, D.C.: Museen
US Holocaust Gedenkmuseum
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place SW
DC 20227 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 4880400
Washington, D.C.: Museen
Hirshhorn Museum und Skulpturengarten
Jefferson Dr SW
DC 20597 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 6334674
Washington, D.C.: Museen
555 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
DC 20001 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 2926100
Washington, D.C.: Museen
1799 New York Avenue Northwest
DC 20006 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 6383221
Washington, D.C.: Museen
Smithsonian Museum für Amerikanische Kunst
F Street Northwest
DC 20001 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 6337970
Washington, D.C.: Museen
Madame Tussauds Wachsfigurenkabinett
1025 F Street Northwest
DC 20004 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)866 8239565
Washington, D.C.: Museen
700 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
DC 20408 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)866 2726272
Washington, D.C.: Museen
DAR Museum
1776 D St
DC 20006 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 8793241
Washington, D.C.: Museen
Nationalmuseum für Frauen in der Kunst
1250 New York Avenue Northwest
DC 20005 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 7835000
Washington, D.C.: Museen
Woodrow Wilson Haus
2340 South Street
DC 20007 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 3874062
Washington, D.C.: Museen
Smithsonian Nationales Postmuseum
2 Massachusetts Avenue Northeast
DC 20001 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 6335555
Washington, D.C.: Museen
Lincoln Denkmal (Abraham Lincoln Memorial)
1601 Lincoln Memorial Cir
DC 20001 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 4266841
Washington, D.C.: Museen
Nationales Baumuseum (National Building Museum)
401 F Street Northwest
DC 20001 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 2722448
Washington, D.C.: Museen
1321 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
DC 20045 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 6286161
Washington, D.C.: Theater
Shakespeare Theater
610 F Street Northwest
DC 20059 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 5471122
Washington, D.C.: Theater
The Studio Theater
1501 14th Street Northwest
DC 20005 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 3323300
Washington, D.C.: Theater
1215 U Street Northwest
DC 20009 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 3286000
Washington, D.C.: Theater
Ford's Theater
511 10th Street Northwest
DC 20004 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 3474833
Washington, D.C.: Theater
GALA Hispanic Theater (Tivoli Theatre)
3333 14th Street NW
DC 20010 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 2347174
Washington, D.C.: Theater
3225 8th Street Northeast
DC 20017 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 2691600
Washington, D.C.: Theater
1100 Jefferson Dr SW
DC 20011 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 6338700
Washington, D.C.: Theater
Nationale Kathedrale von Washington
3101 Wisconsin Avenue Northwest
DC 20016 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 5376200
Washington, D.C.: Kathedralen
Kathedrale von Sankt Matthäus dem Apostel
1725 Rhode Island Avenue Northwest
DC 20036 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 3473215
Washington, D.C.: Kathedralen
Calvary Baptistenkirche (Calvary Baptist Church)
755 8th Street Northwest
DC 20001 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Kirchen
Christliche Kirche National City
5 Thomas Circle NW # 2
DC 20005 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Kirchen
Presbyterianische Kirche
1313 New York Avenue Northwest
DC 20005 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Kirchen
Katholische Kirche St. Patrick's
619 10th Street Northwest
DC 20004 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Kirchen
Vereinigte Kirche (The United Church)
1920 G Street Northwest
DC 20006 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Kirchen
Bischöfliche Kirche St. Lukas (St. Luke's Episcopal Church)
1514 15th Street Northwest
DC 20036 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Kirchen
Gnadenkirche (Grace Church)
1041 Wisconsin Ave NW
DC 20007 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Kirchen
Kirche St. Stephan der Märtyrer (St. Stephen-Martyr Church)
2436 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
DC 20037 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Kirchen
Metropolitan AME Kirche (Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church)
1518 M Street Northwest
DC 20005 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Kirchen
Reformierte Kirche der Gnade (Grace Reformed Church)
1405 15th Street Northwest
DC 20005 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Kirchen
Dreieinigkeitskirche von Georgetown
3513 N St NW
DC 20007 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Kirchen
St. Paul Pfarrkirche (Saint Paul's Parish)
2430 K Street Northwest
DC 20037 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Kirchen
Allerheiligenkirche (All Souls Church)
2835 16th Street Northwest
DC 20009 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Kirchen
Luther Platz Gedächtniskirche (Luther Place Memorial Church)
1226 Vermont Avenue Northwest
DC 20005 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Kirchen
Basilika des Nationalheiligtum der Unbefleckten Empfängnis
400 Michigan Avenue Northeast
DC 20017 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Kirchen
2500 16th Street Northwest
DC 20009 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Parks
Botanischer Garten der Vereinigten Staaten
100 Maryland Avenue Southwest
DC 20024 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Parks
3238 Rodman St NW
DC 20008 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Denkmäler
Martin L King Bibliothek
901 G Street Northwest
DC 20003 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 7271111
Washington, D.C.: Bibliotheken
Kongressbibliothek (Library of Congress)
101 Independence Ave SE
DC 20540 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 7075000
Washington, D.C.: Bibliotheken
201 East Capitol Street Southeast
DC 20003 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 5447077
Washington, D.C.: Bibliotheken
Bibliothek der National Geographic Society
1145 17th Street Northwest
DC 20036 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)800 6475463
Washington, D.C.: Bibliotheken
Alter Postpavillon (The Old Post Office Pavilion)
1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
DC 20004 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Türme
Smithsonian Nationaler Zoologischer Garten
3001 Connecticut Avenue
DC 20008 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 6334800
Washington, D.C.: Tiergärten
Washington Nationaloper (Washington National Opera)
6925 Willow St NW
DC 20012 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 4483465
Washington, D.C.: Opernhäuser
Concert Opera
1808 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 101
20009 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 3645826
Washington, D.C.: Opernhäuser
Kennedy Center Opera House
20566 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 2952400
Washington, D.C.: Opernhäuser
Weißes Haus
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
DC 20500 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 4561414
Washington, D.C.: Sehenswürdigkeiten
1500 S Capitol St
DC 20003 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 6756287
Washington, D.C.: Stadien
Charles E. Smith Athletic Center Multifunktionshalle
600 22nd St NW
DC 20052 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 9946650
Washington, D.C.: Stadien
2400 6th Street Northwest
DC 20059 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 8066100
Washington, D.C.: Stadien
Carter Barron Amphitheater
4850 Colorado Avenue Northwest
DC 20011 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 4260486
Washington, D.C.: Stadien
Masjid Muhammad Moschee
1519 4th St NW
DC 20001 Washington, D.C.
+1 (0)202 4838832
Washington, D.C.: Tempel
Moschee des Islamischen Zentrums
2551 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest
DC 20008 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Tempel
3160 Pennsylvania Avenue Southeast
DC 20020 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Tempel
Washington, D.C.: Flughäfen
Washington, D.C.: Flughäfen

College Park
Entfernung: 9 km
College Park: Flughäfen

Entfernung: 11 km
Friendly: Flughäfen

Entfernung: 12 km
Clinton: Flughäfen

Entfernung: 15 km
Mitchellville: Flughäfen
Washington, D.C.: Messezentren
Washington, D.C.: Messezentren
Charles E. Smith Center
600 22nd St NW
DC-20052 Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.: Messezentren

Änderungen und Irrtum vorbehalten.